The history of the New All Saints Men’s club is quite interesting. The monthly meetings and activities took many forms over the years, but the men were always active and noted for their unselfish generosity and excellent meals. Harold Jones organized the Men’s club approximately 40 years ago.His dream was to have the men of New All Saints to support the church through fund raising activities, to provide scholarships to the youth, and to contribute to the church’s spiritual strength. The Men’s Club had many hard working leaders and members. Among the founders were Bill Johnson, John Payne, George Cole, Frank Dragowski, James Watson and Deacon Samuel Perry.
One activity that stands out for the Men’s Club is the Annual Mass and Communion Breakfast commemorating the birth of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., held each year in January.
To cultivate a more effective and far reaching program for the men of the New All Saints Parish.To stimulate greater membership participation in activities of the church, both religious and social.
To provide some of the resources that the New all Saints Church needs to achieve its mission.To support the New All Saints Church through time, energy, talents and finances.
To foster, promote and develop service programs for the community as well as the parish.
Membership The Men’s Club invites all male members of the church who are twenty-one years of age and older to become members.
Ex officio members of the club include the pastor, permanent deacon(s), and any other male involved in the direct pastoral care of parishioners.
Regular membership meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm.
Special meetings are called by the president when necessary.
What We Do
The Men’s Club sponsors the following projects and programs:
Annual Crab Feast
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Mass and Communion Breakfast
Scholarships for graduates of the New All Saints Youth Group
Our Daily Bread
Representatives and delegates of the New All Saints Church to Archdiocesan Events and Conferences
Support activities of other church and local organizations
Support to a needy family during Christmas
Some church projects completed with Men’s Club support: