The Pastoral Council is a collaborative and consultative group which works with the Pastor for the life and mission of New All Saints Church and its parish. The Pastoral Council provides a forum of communication and dialogue regarding parish affairs, among the pastor, staff, religious and laity. It also assists the pastor in the ministerial development of the parish through recommendations and active cooperation in the setting of broad policy direction for the parish; and it collaborates with other religious and civic groups in working for the common good of the community.
The Pastoral Council regularly meets in September, December, March and June and may have Call Meetings on any other dates considered necessary. Meetings are usually on the 3rd Mondays of the month.
Requirements to be on the Pastoral Council are: 1) Must be 16 years or older 2) Must be baptized, confirmed and a registered member of the parish in good standing 3) Must maintain a public posture, not inconsistent with church teachings and contribute (time, talent, treasure) to the parish.
Any one who is interested in contacting the Pastoral Council may contact the rectory.